Registration is now open for the Virginia Radiological Society's annual meeting which will be held on Saturday, August 2 and Sunday, August 3 at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, Virginia. Join us for educational sessions on Saturday and Sunday and a member reception on Saturday evening. Please make plans now to attend!
Our meeting will focus on critical issues facing the radiology workforce and the evolving landscape of practice models. Our speakers will address current workforce shortages in radiology and their impact on healthcare delivery. They'll review the key factors contributing to these challenges as well as discuss predictive trends and forecasts for the radiology workforce in the coming years. Come learn how your practice can adapt to these challenges and ensure the continued success and growth of our profession.
A limited number of rooms are being reserved at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg ($229 Single). Please CLICK HERE to reserve a room or call hotel reservations at 757-253-1703 or 1-800-832-5665. When calling, please note you are with the Virginia Radiological Society annual meeting. We cannot guarantee that rooms will be available after July 11 so reserve your room now!
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