Committees Infographic (png)
DownloadThis committee shall annually review the membership of the Society for the purpose of nominating members to fellowship in the American College of Radiology. Where possible this committee shall be composed of Fellows of the College. Nominations of the Society shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors, signed by the President or Secretary-Treasurer of the Chapter, and shall be supported by a minimum of two letters from Fellows of the American College of Radiology, one of whom is not in practice with the nominee, and all nominations shall be addressed to the chairman of the Credentials Committee of the American College of Radiology.
The Bylaws Committee shall consider all proposed amendments to these Bylaws. The committee shall review the Bylaws annually and recommend amendments as deemed necessary. When recommended by the Board of Directors or the membership, the committee shall undertake an overall revision of the Bylaws. All proposed changes resulting from these activities shall be handled in accordance with Article VII (Amendments).
This committee shall anticipate the review of legislation proposed in Virginia that affects the practice of Radiology. Its findings shall be reported to the Chapter for action.
This committee shall identify the needs of our members and recommend the development of services to meet those needs. Recruitment activities shall also be generated by this committee.
The Board of Directors shall serve as the Nominating Committee and shall present to the annual meeting of the Chapter nominations for all offices established by these Bylaws.
This committee shall prepare programs for the Chapter meetings, socio-economic workshops for residents and efforts in continuing education.
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