The Virginia Radiology PAC ensures that Radiologists have a powerful voice in Richmond during the General Assembly Session and it supports members of the legislature who promote the interests and needs of the field of radiology and patients who receive radiological services. Donations to the Virginia Radiology PAC are critical to show Virginia legislators our strong support for the future of radiology.
Throughout the month of JULY we are asking our members to donate to our PAC during our 9th Annual RAD, White and Blue Giving Event. We are encouraging at least a $10 contribution from Residents and at least a $25 contribution from Attendings/Private Practice Physicians (with other contribution levels also available)!
The radiology residency program with the highest participation will win $150 for a party at their institution AND rights to the inaugural trophy to house at their institution for the year. The trophy will be awarded at the upcoming Virginia Radiological Society Annual Meeting at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg from August 2-3, 2025! The group practice with the highest participation will be highlighted on a plaque housed at the Virginia Radiological Society office.
Last year's winners ---- EVMS (Residency Program) and Medical Center Radiologists (Group) --- will be working to defend their titles . . . will they be able to?
Bragging rights for your group/residency program are involved so donate now!
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