Advocacy by the Society on matters of interest to Virginia radiologists requires time, talent and commitment, but most importantly, good relationships with those who can affect our specialty.
The Society’s lobbyist and Legislative Committee keeps a close eye on the General Assembly and regulatory boards to offer commentary and advice for state legislators and members of the state regulatory boards.
By joining together, we will be better equipped to build an organization that defends, protects and promotes the practice of radiology in Virginia.
The Virginia Radiological Society (VRS) (formerly the Virginia Chapter, American College of Radiology) is a statewide professional organization dedicated to improving the health of patients and society by making imaging safe, effective and accessible to those who need it. Our passionate members are composed of diagnostic radiologists, interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and nuclear medicine physicians practicing in the state of Virginia. Your active participation is needed. If you are not currently a member, we invite you to join us in our efforts!
Copyright © 2021 Virginia Radiological Society - All Rights Reserved.